Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Humanity of Jesus (Part II)

Why Jesus does not have a wife

Continued from previous blog post...

The extraordinary Humanity and Personhood of God, which is different from our ordinary humanity and personhood, does not prevent Him from appearing in an ordinary human form to humans and humanoids on the physical and spiritual planes. But this is just a projection for the sake of communicating with and communing with humans and humanoids. When He does so, it may be in a form that can be touched and felt as any human body. However, he does not, as such, abide in a human body somewhere in His multi-dimensional Creation. That solves the issue of why Jesus does not have a human wife (or any wife) at present. When he lived in the physical plane in first century Israel, He did have an ordinary human body like ours - but he chose not to marry, even though he could have.

Swedenborgian Monasticism
Conjugial love and eternal marriage are essential principles of New Church doctrine. However, it does not mean that everyone should (or can) marry when on earth. Swedenborg did not. When there is a natural disaster, people might focus on dealing with the emergency rather than bother with any other matter. Some folks might see the problems in the world as being enough reason for them to fully focus on creating a shadow of the Kingdom "on earth as it is in heaven". They might not have the time or mental bandwidth for married life. A vow or intention of celibacy might be acceptable on earth even though it is not recommended in Heaven according to the Heavenly Doctrines. Such a vow is aligned with Divine Order as long as it is not a vow of eternal celibacy. In other words, I will not censure a monk or nun who intends to marry in heaven. I define this as Swedenborgian monasticism.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think Jesus was all THAT human. His relationships with others were not 'normal'. Not like ours. His mother was more virginal and pure than other women. He had no earthly father, although he did have a rather nice step-father. He wasn't married or a father himself. He was itinerant and a leader to his friends, not really one of them.

    Think of his relationships with humans - he seemed a step above. He was always taking a spirtual approach - "my father has many rooms", "you are cured", "go and sin no more", "I am the way, the truth and the life", behold your Mother". Etc.

    Personally I think the human side is overblown. He came here to save us. He had to create a legend that would endure. He suffered epically. He suffered enough that we would notice (for our benefit). He wasn't here to just save his contemporaries; he planned for this story to last for centuries. He didn't come here to mess around with marriage or children or even good friends. He is God and was not really all that interested in being human.

