I did find a Unification Church web post by Andrew Wilson that I really like and that is so very Swedenborgian (except for a few terminology differences and very few conceptual differences). For instance, "angels" in this article mean something different from what's in Swedenborg:
As for angels, they were all created male, and have
existed that way for billions of years, although they can manifest male
or female form at will.
Only once perfected humans arrive in the spirit
world and take up residence there, does conjugal love appear there for
the first time.
Meanwhile, angels await the advent of this human
conjugal love in the spirit world before their female counterparts will be
created and given them in marriage.
Regardless of such discrepancies with Swedenborg, the article is very good. BTW, Swedenborg preceded the Rev. Moon in time - and if the Unification Church (like the Mormons) learn from Swedenborg, then all the better.
Swedenborgians of all official persuasions (including non-Swedenborgian ones), enjoy the article at this link:
Research into the Ontolo gy of Spirit World and Spirit Persons in Unification Thought
(Parenthetically I am not a Unification Church member,)